Social Support

Empowering Connections: Polus Social Support Services

At Polus, we believe in the power of community and the positive impact of social support on an individual's well-being. Our Social Support services are thoughtfully crafted to provide a sustainable level of assistance, ensuring that each person remains an active and productive member of society. We are your steadfast companion, here to motivate, build confidence, and take care of various aspects, including health appointments and beyond.

Key Features of Polus Social Support Services:

  1. Personalised Motivation: Polus understands the importance of motivation in fostering a positive outlook on life. Our dedicated team provides personalised motivation, encouraging individuals to set and achieve personal goals, fostering a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

  2. Confidence Building: We are committed to building confidence and self-esteem. Our social support services include activities and interactions designed to empower individuals, helping them recognise and leverage their strengths for personal and social growth.

  3. Health Appointment Assistance: Polus stands by your side, making sure that health appointments are not a source of stress. Our caregivers assist in scheduling, coordinating, and accompanying you to health-related appointments, ensuring that your health remains a top priority.

  4. Social Integration: Social connection is fundamental to a fulfilling life. Polus actively promotes social integration, organizing and facilitating opportunities for individuals to engage with their community, fostering a sense of belonging and shared experiences.

  5. Emotional Well-being: Our compassionate team recognizes the importance of emotional well-being. We provide a listening ear, emotional support, and companionship, creating a supportive environment where individuals feel valued, heard, and understood.

  6. Life Skills Development: Polus Social Support goes beyond immediate needs to focus on long-term empowerment. We offer assistance in developing essential life skills, equipping individuals with the tools they need to navigate various aspects of daily life independently.

  7. Community Engagement: Polus actively encourages community engagement and participation. Whether through local events, clubs, or social activities, we facilitate opportunities for individuals to connect with others, contributing to a sense of community and shared interests.

Discover the enriching experience of Polus Social Support Services. We are dedicated to ensuring that every individual we serve can lead an active, fulfilling, and meaningful life within their community.

For inquiries or to explore how our social support services can benefit you, please contact Polus at 07359 836624. Your well-being and active participation in society are our priorities